Member: CWCA - a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization - TAX ID# 23-2596031

Important Dates / What to Expect

2025 Important Dates

 ( COMING SOON .... )

What to Expect


Our teams practice together on the auxiliary fields located behind the Conrad Weiser High School.  The first two weeks of practice typically consist of four nights of practice.  Once school begins, practice is limited to 3 days a week, Tuesday-Thursday.  Exact times of practice will be determined closer to the season.  Flag Football will practice 2 nights a week in the same practice area.


The BAYFL season traditionally begins the weekend after Labor Day weekend, and runs until the end of October. Each team will play 8 games, usually with one bye week.   JV teams typically play on Saturday Mornings/Early Afternoon, Varsity teams on Sunday Afternoon. Some away game times may vary depending on field availability at other schools.